Dinner Plans

This past season has been a little crazy for our family as far as appliances go. Since August, we have had a broken outdoor fridge -where the Gatorades are kept cold,  a broken microwave -where the dinner magic happens, and a broken dryer -where family activities are made possible! (...so just imagine football uniforms hanging up to dry throughout the house!)

Although I wrote this devotional a while back, I wanted to share it with you as I remind myself that I cannot hope in my appliances or my plans to keep my home running smoothly! And when things (literally) fall apart, I am reminded that the Lord is the only One I can depend on!! Even for help in making our dinner plans…
Many (all?) coaches’ wives struggle with time management during the season- simple things like when to have dinner and what to cook, or buy at McDonald’s….or heat up in the microwave. Even if you are naturally gifted in the area of organization, the calendar can be an overwhelming thing to behold, and you might get tired just looking at it! But in all the running around, to-do lists, carpooling and spinning plates, remember that the Lord cares about your exhausting schedule, and in your weakness, you can experience His strength in a powerful way!
 “The Lord is the Everlasting God…HE does not faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable, HE gives power to the faint and to those who have no might, HE increases strength!” Isaiah 40:28-29
Lord, thank you for our families and the privilege we have to care for them. We confess that the details and logistics of daily life can be overwhelming, but we know You created time and every moment is in Your hands. Thank you that You care about everything- even our dinner plans! Please give us strength and joy as we serve our loved ones.

-Candace Lane

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